
MightyBalto1925 first found Animation Source (Balto Source at the time) in 2007 while searching for a place to show her fandom of the Balto movies, and a place for her to send her artwork, along with her amazing graphics.

She, after a time, became a Balto Source moderator, and was appointed the admin of Lady and the Tramp Source. (AKA: LATTS). She was also a forums mod, and a mod on Bambi Source. She retired in July 2011.

Later on, Mighty discovered the world of Sourcecast in late 2009. After she listened to an episode the first time, she loved it, and then went on to make Sourcecast a logo. After that, Mighty became “one of their biggest fans”. She has downloaded every episode, and has even appeared in a few. She continues to create beautiful graphics for Sourcecast, and is committed to creating graphics in the foreseeable future.

Graphic Artist


Name: MightyBalto1925
Age: 17
Location: Michigan, USA
First Joined: 27th April 2007
Occupation: Graphic Artist, Sourcecast; Administrator, The Boiler Room
Favourite Meal: Roast
Favourite Movie: Cats and Dogs; Revenge of the Kitty Galore
Favourite Songs: It's My Life (Bon Jovi), Evecuate the Dance Floor (Cascada) and Welcome to the Jungle (Guns and Roses)

  1. Animation Source Profile